3001 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 vol. I – Krzysztof Janowicz – ISBN 83-89088-11-8
The first part of the monograph on the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, WW2 German fighter plane, discusses the origins and development of its A, F, G and S versions, which prototypes and fighter, assault, fighter-bomber, reconnaissance and trainer production variants are specified and described, including technical specifications and changes made in all sub-variants and conversions. All used types of armament: shooting weapons, bombs, missiles and torpedos are listed. The book also contains the production list of Fw 190 A with serial numbers and technical data of each variant. In a separate chapter, the author describes camouflage schemes and markings of Fw 190s used in combat units on the basis of particular examples.
English & Polish text, 96 pages, 91 photos, 24 sheets of 1:48 and 1:72 scale drawings, which include specification of external changes on production-run versions of the aircrat, 11 pages of colour charts with 28 examples of camouflage schemes.
Free decal sheet with 1:48 and 1:72 individual markings for 4 schemes:
Fw 190 A-4, W.Nr. 7328, ‘Yellow 10’ of 6./JG 1, Woernsdredcht, Netherlands, April 1943,
Fw 190 A-7/R6, ‘Red 8’, flown by Fw. Hartkopf of JGr 10, Parchim, Germany, summer 1944,
Fw 190 A-8/R2, ‘Yellow 17’, flown by Uffz. Willi Unger of 12./JG 3, Barth, Germany, May 1944,
Fw 190 A-8, ‘Red 11’ of JGr 10, Parchim, Germany, autumn 1944.